PLEASE NOTE - Summer closure from 08/12 to 08/25 - Resumption of shipments from 09/02

Beet and carrot mousse

For people

Recipe duration

Preparation : 20 minutes
Cooking : 15 minutes


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        Grate the carrots, cut them into small pieces and put them in a pot of water to boil. Check the cooking by inserting a knife: if it penetrates easily, it is good.

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         Put the beet with a little bit of olive oil, pepper and salt in the blender and process until you get a smooth paste.

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    Once the carrots are cooked, let them cool and blend them as for the beets, but add a small amount of cumin.

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    Take small verrines and alternate a layer of carrot and another of beet. If possible, make another layer of each, add pepper to the last layer and put in the fridge or eat warm.

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